Sunday, May 30, 2010

Sunday Salon

My Sunday Salon is a bit late this week. I spent most of my afternoon reading outside and the day just got away from me. Yesterday I cleaned my home from top to bottom so I could have today and Monday entirely to myself. It has been awhile since I've allowed myself to do what I want. And I must say, it was long over due!

I saw Sex and the City 2 earlier today. I've been looking forward to this follow-up since the credits rolled during the original Sex and the City movie. Unfortunately, I have to admit I was disappointed. I enjoyed the first hour or so and the last 10-15 minutes. The rest was just. . . a let down. I really hate saying negative things about SATC as I've enjoyed the TV series and the first movie—I even have the SATC trivia game (don't judge me!)—but I wanted to learn more about Big (I mean John) and Carrie's marriage and I didn't feel the movie really conveyed that at all. Despite being disappointed, I am glad I saw it.

On to books. This week I managed to read two books! A few months ago I would have been embarrassed to say I only read two books in a week. Now, after the stressful weeks I've had, I'm quite pleased with this number. (Funny how perspectives can change.) I finished A Deep Dark Secret by Kimberla Lawson Roby. It's about a young girl who is being molested by her step-father. Today I finished Just Like Me, Only Better by Carol Snow. Veronica looks like teen sensation Haley Rush and agrees to be her double.

Next up is Runaway by Meg Cabot, the third and final book of the Airhead trilogy. I might try to read a few pages before going to bed. If not, then I'll start tomorrow. I'm not sure what will follow Runaway. Yesterday I learned about the Fifth Annual 48 Hour Book Challenge that will take place this coming weekend June 4-6 and is hosted by MotherReader. I participated last year for the first time and enjoyed it. I'm thinking about doing it again as it will help me get back on track with my reading. I have a couple of appointments on Saturday, but my weekend looks pretty clear otherwise. I'll make my final decision tomorrow or Tuesday. When I decide, then I'll have a better idea of my upcoming books. What about you? Planning to join in the fun?

Good night everyone.


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