Sunday, December 6, 2009

Sunday Salon

As much as I still can't believe it, 2010 is just weeks away. Instead of putting any more energy in my amazement of how fast this year went, I've decided to start focusing on 2010. As I've stated in previous Sunday Salon posts, I want to return to doing things I enjoy: rediscovering past activities, hobbies and interests and introducing myself to new things I've always said I wanted to try.

I'm spending most of my free time brainstorming ideas, goals, and projects for 2010, both professionally and personally. Reading and blogging have taken center stage in my brainstorming sessions. I've fallen in a rut with both and want to return to enjoying them again, instead of viewing both as "just something else for me to do".

As December winds down, I'm starting to notice I'm getting selective in what I will read next. I've pretty much given up on those challenges ending Dec. 31st (except for New Authors as I only have two more to go - hopefully I can finish this one!). I plan to read one (possibly two) holiday-themed book and continue reading the books I have checked out from the library. I find myself purposely not choosing books I could read for next year's challenges.

What about you? Do you find your reading changes before the start of a new year and new challenges? Do you read more holiday-themed books in December? Or are you not reading as much due to the conflicts of participating in other holiday activities?


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