Monday, June 22, 2009

Musing Mondays

Today’s MUSING MONDAYS post is about library borrowing…

Do you restrict yourself on how many books you take out from the library at a time? Do you borrow books if you already have some out? Do you always reborrow books you don’t get to?

I usually have 10-15 books checked out at a time. I've been working on lowering this number for several months now. It's a lot harder than I thought. . .reason being I am not disciplined when it comes to library books. Yes, I continue to borrow books even though I have books already checked out that are still unread. Again, that's also part of the problem. When I see a book that's on the new book shelf and it's on my TBR list, it just doesn't seem right to leave it sitting there!

As much as I love the library, I've cut down my weekly visits. I now go once a week instead of 3-4 times each week. Lately, I've been pretty good when I go. I go to the holds shelf, find my books and check out. I have many unread, purchased books that I want to read this summer and borrowing books from the library has prevented me from doing so. After I finish reading the remaining books I have checked out, I plan to read my books for the rest of the summer. Well, that's the plan anyway. And we all know that plans can change. . .(maybe this is another part of the problem?)

1 comment:

  1. I just can't do it, I've tried to just go in get my holds and leave.
