Thursday, March 12, 2009

Move On, Move Up by Paula White

Title: Move On, Move Up: Turn Yesterday's Trials into Today's Triumphs
Author: Paula White
ISBN-10: 0446580457
Pages: 281
Year Published: 2008
Genre: Non-Fiction (Christian Living/Inspirational)
Date Finished: March 2

From the back cover: Has life thrown you curveballs? Do you feel battered by your circumstances? No matter how chaotic your life may be, you are in precisely the right position for God to do a creative work!

You may have walked through experiences that dented, tarnished, and sullied your outer person, but all of God's plans and purposes for your life are good. They were good at the moment of your creation, and they are good today. God has the power to restore the broken, damaged places in your heart.

Do you want to move on, but you don't know how? Do you want to move up, but you don't know where to find help? Paula White knows what it's like to walk in your shoes. Her hope-filled insights will inspire you to conquer life's obstacles by:
  • Giving your pain up to God and allowing Him to heal you
  • Learning to see your life from God's perspective
  • Developing a spiritual mind
  • Getting rid of old habits
  • Keeping your focus on the goals God has for you.
Don't give up! Failure is not final. And God is right here, ready to give you the strength and resources you need. It's time to move on—and move up!

My review: Recently I found myself feeling trapped by a circumstance that I honestly thought had no way out. I felt incredibly paralyzed and just didn't know how to take a step to move forward. Then I discovered this book and began to see a way to move on.

What I liked most about this book is that it's heavily based in scripture and Biblical stories, which is what I was looking for. I don't think this should be substituted for daily Bible study or attending church. It's an insightful resource to help the reader understand the purpose behind his/her trial and how God can use it for his/her good. The underlying message is to not give up, despite how painful the current situation may feel. Trust in God to make a way even if you think there is no way.

At the end of each chapter are questions to help the reader delve further into his/her situation to assist in moving on and moving up. I highly recommend this book.


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