Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sunday Salon

Well, the Blizzard of 2010 dumped 20-30 inches of snow yesterday causing havoc in the DMV (DC, MD and VA). Later this afternoon I, along with everyone else in the region, will begin to dig myself out. I will admit though, this storm was a blessing in disguise.

I left work mid-morning Friday and came home and cleaned, did laundry and other chores. Having all of that completed and out of the way, left my weekend free for me to do whatever I wanted!!! Which doesn't happen very often, unfortunately. I spent some time working on items from my "someday/maybe" list and of course reading.

This morning I wrote six reviews and am very happy to say I'm caught up!! FINALLY!! The best thing is I've always wanted to have reviews written ahead of time and have them post as scheduled. I'm aiming for posting reviews Tuesday - Friday. Who know my procrastination mixed with a blizzard would help me accomplish this goal?!? Now the trick is to remain on top of writing the reviews. Writing six at a time was a bit exhausting. But once I got into my groove, I was determined to complete this project. I really need to get back in the habit of writing my reviews immediately after finishing the book. I'm trying to set aside some time during the week that I only focus on my blog (writing reviews, updating challenges, etc). I would like to have a set time each week, unfortunately that doesn't seem very likely. So for now, the goal is to schedule at least 2 times, both during the week and weekend, dedicated to blogging. Hopefully this will keep me on track. The further behind I get on reviews and blog maintenance, the more it repels me. And I didn't create this blog to add to my stress!!

Moving on to my reading. I finished three books this week: The Secret of the Old Clock by Carolyn Keene; The Professors' Wives' Club by Joanne Rendell; and The Haunted Dollhouse by Stefan Petrucha. I'm currently reading I'm So Happy for You by Lucinda Rosenfeld.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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