Sunday, September 6, 2009

Sunday Salon

Is it me, or do Sundays seem to come a little faster each week than the previous weeks? I can't believe summer has come and gone! As much as I like the beautiful colors that Fall brings, I'm still not ready to let go of the hot, humid weather just yet.

After having such a good reading week last week, I wanted to keep the momentum this week. Not necessarily by reading seven books again, however I wanted to read more than my average of three. Unfortunately my work days were long and tiring and left me feeling exhausted by the time I came home. When I sat down to read, my eyes were closed before I had to chance to open the book. Luckily tomorrow I don’t have any holiday plans and I can spend most of my day reading. Having said that, I only finished one book this week: The Last Song by Nicholas Sparks. My review will be posted on Tuesday, its release date.

Everyone have a great week!


  1. WOW Shon, 7 books in one week is amazing Keep up the good work, and enjoy your free time Monday too

  2. Yes, I agree. The weeks are flying by. I'm in denial that it's already September.

    Also, I usually have very unsuccessful reading weeks directly after I read up a storm. Burnt out. Hopefully you'll be fully rested and can enjoy your free day.
