Friday, January 9, 2009

Library Loot

Eva and Alessandra are co-hosting this weekly event. Each week, they ask us to post about our visits at library and what we checked out while there. I love the library, so this is perfect for me. Actually, it could not have come at a better time. As I mentioned before, I'm trying to limit how many books I have checked out at a time. Right now, I'm weeding through my stack and deciding which to return. Here are the books that I plan to keep:

The Pre-NupPretty Little LiarsXtracurricular Activities

FlawlessShoots to KillI Know It's Over

Row 1:

  • The Pre-Nup by Beth Kendrick
  • Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard
  • Extracurricular Activities by Maggie Barbieri
Row 2:
  • Flawless by Sara Shepard
  • Shoots to Kill by Kate Collins
  • I Know It's Over by C.K. Kelly Martin


  1. I may owe the library some overdue fines by the end of this weekend - Edgar Sawtelle is due back and cannot be extended yet I still have several hundred pages to go with guests arriving tomorrow. Guess I should stop visiting beautiful blogs like yours and get back to the book!

  2. The Bumbles - Thanks for stopping by. I know what you mean. I get very distracted by reading book blogs. I hope you finish your book in time. Have fun with your guests and have a great weekend!

  3. I hate weeding through library stacks, though it must be done. :) Looks like you'll have some good books left though!

  4. I'm looting the library, too! Would I be safe to write you like chick lit? ;)
