Sunday, August 17, 2008

Breaking Dawn

Well, the hype is over (well, for me anyway). After reading the first 3 books in the Twilight series last month, I couldn't wait to read Breaking Dawn. I managed to be one of the first people on the wait list at my local library. When I went to pick it up, I was told the check out period was 2 weeks instead of 3 weeks due to the high number of people on the list. My intent was to start it that night, but other things prevented me from doing so. I didn't start reading it until five days later.

The beginning pretty much picked up where Eclipse left off. Bella and Edward are engaged and eventually marry. I have to admit the engagement, wedding and honeymoon dragged on for me. I struggled through and hoped it would get better (after all, I had more than 700 pages to read). I have to say the story did pick up and no sooner than it did, it just fell apart in some many places.

After I read the last word, I closed the book and thought "What just happened?" This book was far different than the first three. For starters, it wasn't as gripping and I literally had to keep forcing myself to just use my imagination and "go with it". And I couldn't...

To say I am disappointed, is an understatement. For me, the best part of the book was Book Two, Jacob's perspective. I really like Jacob. Initially, I was disappointed that Bella didn't choose him over Edward. But as my dislike for Bella grew in Eclipse, I was happy. He deserved better than Bella. However, who he finally imprints with was a let down (but quite obvious). It was weird and somewhat creepy.

The ending wrapped up too nicely and the battle with the Volturi was very anti-climatic. For me, Breaking Dawn just didn't flow with the rest of the series. (2.5/5)


  1. I've been hearing/reading very mixed reviews of this book. People seem to either love it or hate it. My boss told me that some readers have even tried to demand their money back because they disliked the book so much.

  2. I completely agree - this one was a disappointment!
